Privacy Policy

This website is owned and operated by HYPERLINK SOLUTIONS PVT LTD (“Company”, “Website”, “us,” “our”). This Data Policy applies to the website (“Website”) and the KOUN mobile application (“App”). This Data Privacy Policy describes practices for handling User information collected in connection with the services rendered by this Website.

HYPERLINK SOLUTIONS PVT LTD and their affiliates, referred to as ("we", "us", "our") are committed to protecting and respecting User privacy and providing with the information, options and choices necessary for you to control how we use your information. This Privacy Policy describes how the Website collects and uses personal information to provide services operated by or on behalf of the Website. This policy applies to Users of our website ("Website" or "Site") or mobile application ("App"). Users include:

  1. Visitors of the website who avail any and/or all Services.
  2. 3rd Party Partners as determined from time to time

This policy sets out:

  1. Information collected
  2. Usage of information
  3. Promotional updates and communications
  4. Information sharing
  5. Storage of Information
  6. Processing of payments
  7. Protection of Information
  8. Duration of Information storage
  9. Rights of information providers
  10. Changes to this policy
  11. Contact us
  1. Collection of Information.

  1. As the Company provides its services to two types of users; (i) Residential or Registered Association / Society / Property Owner and / or Builder (hereinafter referred to as “Registered Customer”), and (ii) Individual entity(s) / person(s) using the Company’s services for general use; such as for ease of access and / or convenience (hereinafter referred to as “Un-Registered Customer”), The following information may be collected or received:

  1. Registered Customers and Residents: Name, Email address, Mobile number, photograph, your apartment/house/villa number, vehicle number (if any), details of pet(s) (if any), and any other data you may have chosen to provide on the KOUN Application or Website.
  2. In case of a registered customer, the Resident Welfare Association (RWA) and its members, if applicable, will have access to all the information collected with respect to their society, for recording and security purposes. In case any RWA members access any resident data, information about such access will be transparently provided to the said user, along with the reason(s) for access of the same.
  3. Guest(s): Name, phone number, photograph, resident flat/house to be visited. If a particular guest is marked as a frequent visitor, details of such visitor/guest may be stored by the Company for longer durations for ease of access and business purposes. Furthermore, individual Residences may mandate additional information to be collected at the time of entry, as per the Associations policy, the same is at the discretion of respective RWA’s (Resident Welfare Association).
  4. Unregistered Customer: Name, contact details, resident flat/house to be visited (if any), vehicle number (if any), entry/exit time, visit purpose and photograph. Furthermore, personally identifiable information of service providers including but not limited to delivery executives and security personnel may taken as per appropriate local laws.
  5. Direct sharing of personal information. Information containing names and addresses which are shared while subscribing to services by the User.
  6. Automatically collecting information each time the Site and/or App is visited and used by the User. This includes technical information, information about User visit, and User location data.
  7. Information being collected automatically by the Website: Internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, mobile device identifier, Internet service provider, operating system, pages that have been visited before and after using the Website, the date and time of visit, information about the links clicked and pages viewed within the Website, and other standard server log information may be collected automatically by visiting the Website. The website uses cookies, pixel tags, local shared objects, and similar technologies to automatically collect this information. By using the website, you consent to the Website's use of cookies and similar technologies.
  8. Location data: Information relating to User real time location might be collected to fulfil certain aspects of our services or to enable 3rd Party Partners to fulfil their obligations. This is done solely to provide location services where requested or agreed to in order to deliver content and services that are dependent on knowing where you are, in order to meet service-related requirements. Please note that we only collect your live location on the Site/App if specifically allowed in your setting that such real time location be shared as “always collect” for your location. If such a setting is not selected, then we will not collect your live location unless you are accessing the Site/App or availing our services. This information is collected in combination with an identifier associated with your device to enable us to recognise your mobile browser or device when you return to the Site/App.  You may turn off location access using your device or not provide us your location, however, please note that without the ability to collect your location we might not be able to provide you certain Services.
  9. Device information: The devices used (mobile phones, computers, tablets, etc.) to access Website services such as the hardware models, operation system information, software information and version, file names, language preferences, IP address cookie information, advertising identifiers, browser version, device settings, and mobile network information. The Website may recognise Users devices to provide the User with personalised experiences and advertising across the services available. Please refer to Website policy on ‘Cookies and other technologies’ for more information on how the Website uses User device information.
  1. Information received from other sources.
  1. If there is use of any of the other websites or apps we operate or other services provided by us.
  2. From third parties through whom the User is able to access or register for the services (e.g. where you are able to log in with a Google or Facebook account).
  3. From third parties that that are closely worked with.
  1. In case Website receives or collects any such data as abovementioned, the User will be informed when such data is being collected and if such data is intended to be shared internally and/or combined with data automatically collected on this site. The purpose of such usage shall also be intimated to the User.
  2. The website works closely with third parties (including but not limited to, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers, and search information providers). User will be notified when and if the Website receives information about the User from such third parties and the purposes for which website intends to use that information.
  3. The User may be given the option to access or register for any and all services through the use of a user name and password (or any other identifier) for certain services provided by third parties (each, an “integrated service”), such as through the use of your Google account, accounts with payment systems or wallet providers, or otherwise have the option to authorize an integrated service to provide personal data to the Website. By authorizing the Website to connect with an integrated service, User authorizes us to access and store User’s personal data that the integrated service makes available to the Website (including but not limited to name, email address(es), date of birth, gender, current city and profile picture URL), and to use and disclose it in accordance with this policy. Please review the terms of service, terms of use and privacy policies of each integrated service carefully before using their services and integrating with our services. Please check your privacy settings on each integrated device to understand what personal data has been integrated with our services.  
  4. Depending on the nature of dealings with User and/or the services provided, the Website may collect other types of personal data from third parties, including:
  1. personal data relating to any complaints you make or are made about you, including recording of any calls in that regard;
  2. personal data collected and held via financial or payment systems about the payment mechanism or method that you might use (including credit card details) and the payments you may make for our services or any services procured or booked using Website services;
  3. personal data collected by third-party marketing, survey and advertising service providers;
  4. personal data provided to any partners through which User creates or accesses their account for the services, such as employee information provided to companies engaging in our corporate or other services, payment providers, social media services, on-demand media or services integrated with our services, or other websites (such as search engines) with which our services have been integrated;
  5. personal data which is accessible from User use of online sites or applications in which the Website has an interest (such as messages for the purposes of issuing and receiving one-time passwords and other device verification) and device-related or device-generated personal data. The latter might include User device details, device IDs, your location, network connections, network access and communication and session data. Location data may also be collected or derived from IP addresses, mobile numbers and network information.

  1. Usage of Information.
  1. Information collected by this Website will help informing the design and implementation of Website. The Website may also use information provided by the User to operate and improve the functionality of the website. Apart from this, information collected/provided will be used to take steps in order to enter into any contract or carry out service obligations arising from any contract entered into between User and us;
  1. Administering User account within the site;
  2. Verification of any financial transactions being carried out in relation to payments made through the site and/or the App.
  1. Providing information about available goods and services which interests Users for modifying:
  1. Manner of presentation of the Contents from the Site in the most effective way.
  2. Provide information, products and services that are requested from us.  
  1. Information collected by User from use of Website Services: Website will use information for their legitimate interests, where considered to not be overriding User rights:
  1. To administer the Services and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes.
  2. To keep the Services safe and secure.
  3. For measuring or understanding the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you.
  4. To improve the Services to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.
  5. To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so.
  1. User Information received from other sources: Website will combine such information with information given by the User and information collected about User for their legitimate interests (where considered that these are not overridden by User rights). Such information along with the combined information shall be used for the purposes as mentioned above.

  1. Promotional updates and communications.
  1. Website will share promotional updates and communications with User consent or, where applicable, in legitimate interest. Where permitted in legitimate interest, website will use User personal information for marketing analysis and to provide the User with promotional update communications by email, telephone, text messages, in-application messages and/or push messages about new products and/or services. Website may also share user personal information with third-party social media and other partner platforms in order to provide you with promotional update communications.
  2. The User can object to further marketing at any time through their profile settings or by selecting the "unsubscribe" link at the end of all our marketing and promotional update communications.

  1. Sharing of Information.
  1. We may share your information with certain third parties as set forth below:
  1. Authorized third-party vendors and service providers. The information shared on this website may be shared with third-party vendors and service providers who support this website, such as by providing technical infrastructure services, business analytics, and data processing who process User personal data on behalf of the website and in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Laws.  This includes in supporting the services offered through the site and/or the App for: data hosting services, providing fulfilment services, distributing and communication being sent, supporting or updating marketing lists, facilitating feedback on services and providing IT support services from time to time.
  2. Partners. The information may also be shared with the entities that make up the Service Providers (“Partners”). For more information about our Partners, look at the “3rd Party Partners” tab.
  3. Any member of the group, which mean and include subsidiaries, ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries, who support the processing of personal data under this policy.  
  4. Legal and safety: Disclosure of information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process, law enforcement requests, legal claims or government inquiries, detect fraud, and to protect and defend the rights, interests, safety, and security of the website, its affiliates, owner, users, or the public at large. Apart from this, if bound under any additional duty to disclose or share User personal data in order to comply with legal obligations or in compulsion of law.
  5. Business transfers: Sharing of information in connection with a substantial corporate transaction, such as the sale of a website, a merger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy that may have already been entered into or will enter into future agreements.
  6. With your consent: Sharing of information for any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect the information and pursuant to your consent for the furtherance of any service being rendered on the website. For instance, if you request for services as a customer, then we will share only such personal information to facilitate and complete the services.
  7. Any access to third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter etc, is done through the Website to share information about your experience on the Website with others; these services are outside the control of Hyperlink Solutions Pvt Ltd. These third-party services may be able to collect information about you, including information about your activity on the Website, and they may notify your connections on the third-party services about your use of the Website, in accordance with their respective privacy policies.
  8. User Information may also be shared with carefully selected partners who may be specifically of interest to the User to fulfil their requirements. These companies may contact the User by post, email, telephone or fax for marketing or promotional purposes.
  1. Legal obligations for processing Information: The Website and Application relies on a variety of legal bases to process data, including:
  1. as necessary to fulfil site Terms;
  2. consistent with User consent, which the User can revoke at any time;
  3. as necessary to comply with legal obligations;
  4. to protect Users vital interests, or those of others;
  5. as necessary in the public interest; and
  6. as necessary for Website (or others’) legitimate interests, including any interests in providing an innovative personalized, safe and profitable service to User and/or it’s partners, unless those interests are overridden by User interests or fundamental rights or freedoms that require protection of personal data.
  1. Consent to these terms may be withdrawn at any time. Such withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  2. Under applicable laws, User has the:
  1. Right to access, rectify, port, and erase the information collected by the website,
  2. Right to restrict and object to certain processing of User information.
  3. Right to withdraw consent- where the processing of User personal information by Website is based on consent, User has the right to withdraw without detriment at any time.
  4. Right to object to and restrict certain processing of data which includes- the right to object to processing of their data for direct marketing, which you can exercise by contacting
  5. Right to object to processing of their data where Hyperlink Solutions Pvt Ltd is performing a task in the public interest or pursuing their own legitimate interests or those of a third party, and
  6. Right to opt out at any time from allowing further access to User personal information and apply to delete the personal information stored with Website.
  7. User may delete their information at any time by contacting All information collected by the Website such as information from cookies and information collected with consent under this Policy shall be deleted.

  1. Storage of Information.
  1. Data Storage: User acknowledges and agrees that all information, content and data entered into the website and/or application will be securely stored by the Website at designated data centres using AWS (Amazon Web Services) in accordance with and all other applicable laws. We shall use physical and technical security measures to protect User Data, including, but not limited to, encrypted data connections to designated data centres, encrypted data storage, firewalls, and electronic surveillance of designated data centres.
  2. Payment: Payment details provided by the User will be encrypted using secure sockets layer (SSL) technology before they are submitted to the Website over the internet. Payments made on the Website/App are made through Website payment gateway providers. User will be providing credit or debit card information directly to Website payment gateway providers, who operate secure servers to process payment details, encrypting User credit/debit card information and authorising payment(s). Information which you supply to Website payment service providers is not within Website control and is subject to the respective providers’ own privacy policy and terms and conditions.
  3. Security Disclosure: The security of User Personal Information is important to the company; however, the User understands that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

  1. Data Retention.
  1. The Website shall retain the personal data for:
  1. as long as user has an account on the Website in order to meet contractual obligations to the User;
  2. for a period of 4 (four) months / 120 (One Hundred and Twenty) days after termination of services or closure of account by User or date of visit of any guest, unregistered users, services providers including but not limited to delivery personnel, maids etc. in order to identify any issues and resolve any legal proceedings. The information can be retained for other legal or regulatory requirements.
  3. The website shall return the available data in lump sum to the User upon closure of Account within 4 (four) months/ 120 (One Hundred and Twenty) days of such closure.
  1. We may also retain information beyond this time for research purposes and to help us develop and improve our services with prior permission and intimation.
  2. The website generally retains information until it is no longer necessary to serve the purposes for which it was collected. Following the criteria laid down under this Clause 6 and the Privacy policy herein and shall be applied differently depending on case-by-case determination on components like the nature of the data, why it is collected and processed and relevant legal or operational retention needs.

  1. Data Transfers.
  1. Standard contract clauses are used as approved as per applicable laws of the territory of service, for data transfers from one country to another.

  1. Changes to the policy.
  1. Any changes made to this policy in future will be posted on this page and, in relation to any substantive changes, the User shall be notified by e-mail. We encourage you to periodically review this policy for other latest information on our privacy practices.
  2. This policy was last updated on 25.09.2020

  1. Contact Information.
  1. The data controller responsible for your information can be reached on: